Microdosing a form of medication for anxiety disorders?

Treatment with psychedelics such as LSD or through magic mushrooms began in Western civilization in the 1950s, reaching a climax in the 1960s. Unfortunately, research on these substances was abruptly interrupted 10 years later by politicians. Until now, when the psychedelic renaissance is returning. Canada, some U.S. states, Australia – therapeutic use of psilocybin is already permitted in these countries. The conditions for which magic mushrooms can help are a whole list, one of them being anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress.

microdosing on drug disorders

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Microdosing – what is it?

Microdosing, microdosing, or microdosing, is a form of taking a psychoactive substance at 1/10th of the standard dose. This process allows the body to function without hallucinogenic sensations, without effects that could disrupt daily functioning. At the same time, properly conducted microdosing can have many positive psychosomatic changes in our bodies. The beneficial effects of microdosing are: overall well-being, positive mood, better memory and increased productivity. All this is due to the effect of a psychedelic substance (psilocybin mushrooms, lsd) on the formation of new neurons in the brain. For more on the ways and forms of microdosing, follow this link link .

What are anxiety disorders?

Anxiety disorder is a certain mental difficulty, it is an emotional state that accompanies us in everyday life. Anxiety is the body’s normal response to stressful situations or threats. In about 4% of the general population, this anxiety may have a more heightened form and last longer than it should, and its intensity is very uncomfortable to the point that it interferes with daily functioning, paralyzes, and the person suffering from anxiety disorder is unable to control it. Patients feel constant anxiety and tension. These symptoms significantly reduce the quality of functioning in society and are a gateway to depression and loneliness. Anxiety disorders are commonly referred to as neuroses and are one of the most common mental health conditions in the world, and can affect adults and children regardless of gender.

Types of anxiety disorders.

Drug disorders come in many forms, and there can often be more, and they occur in groups. What they have in common is a prolonged state of emotional tension and a feeling of constant anxiety that cannot be controlled.

Generalized anxiety syndrome (GAD).

Generalized anxiety syndrome refers to constant recurring thoughts of potential misfortune that may happen to you. Daily worrying about things that don’t even have the right to happen. Accompanying symptoms: restlessness, excessive worrying and preoccupation with loved ones, sleep disturbances, muscle tension, psychosomatic symptoms such as accelerated heartbeat, thrashing, or what is commonly known as gastric neurosis.

Panic Anxiety Disorder.

Panic anxiety disorder is the so-called panic attacks that occur as a result of stress. Accompanying symptoms are palpitations, shortness of breath (often patients feel like they are undergoing a heart attack). Panic attacks can occur during acute tension caused by a situation, but they can also occur involuntarily.


Phobias are anxiety disorders based on irrational fear of certain situations, people or animals. Social phobia is the fear of contact with other people, it is the fear of situations or events that may lead to humiliation. Such an anxiety-generating stimulus can be a public appearance, a conversation, eating in public and many other events. Patients with social phobia experience paralyzing fear, blushing, sweating, stomach upset, heart palpitations, feelings of tension in the muscles. These symptoms are exacerbated to the point where it is impossible to mistake them for natural shyness. Such discomfort leads to the fact that at the very thought of going out to people, the patient experiences the above somatic symptoms, and this tends to avoid social gatherings, limit interpersonal relationships and general mental suffering.

A specific phobia, on the other hand, is not about contact with another person, but with a situation or a specific object or sensation, a phenomenon, such as an attack of fear of a storm, the smell of flowers, fear of blood, pain, fear of heights, claustrophobia, fear of the number 13, and so on….

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is the fear of a situation or stimulus while trying to remedy it and reduce the risk of consequences after coming into contact with the fear generator, e.g., fear of viruses and bacteria causes the sufferer to compulsively clean and maintain hygiene. Obsessive thinking about the problem and compulsions consume a lot of time in the patient and are supposed to give him an apparent sense of security from danger. However, this perfectionism never gives them solace and they live in constant tension because they are not satisfied with their preventive measures. Patients very often repeat certain actions or words, such as frequently washing their hands, correcting their clothes, praying, counting, saying specific words.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Post-traumatic stress syndrome occurs as a result of traumatic experiences, such as being involved in a disaster or witnessing a catastrophe, as a result of war, accidents, assault, or physical or psychological violence. Symptoms include night terrors, sleep problems, constant recurrence of unpleasant memories, a constant sense of danger, feelings of tension, and avoidance of people or places that resemble the trauma.


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Treatment of anxiety disorders.

Treatment of anxiety disorders is tailored to the individual patient’s condition. Mild forms can be supported by lifestyle changes, such as engaging in sports that promote well-being. Meditation or relaxation activities will also be a great support for the patient. However, anxiety disorders are not always so simple to eliminate. If the disorder lasts too long and causes significant discomfort, the next step in treatment is psychological or psychiatric help. The final stage is drug treatment. Patients are often prescribed antidepressants because anxiety disorders usually accompany depression. Another type of medications are benzodiazepines, which are used on a short-term basis because they are addictive substances. For more on treating the disorder, follow this link link .

Natural treatments for anxiety disorders – microdosing a form of anxiety disorder medication?

With the significant rise in popularity of psychedelics over the past decade (including psilocybin mushrooms), it has been noted that these substances can beneficially affect mental and emotional states in people affected by various disorders.

Users have seen significant changes and improvements in their quality of life, which has caught the growing attention of researchers. Research from the 1960s was unearthed and the experimentation with psychoactive substances in the therapeutic aspect began again. One recalled how Stanislav Groff treated the most severe cases in a psychiatric hospital with very positive results with LSD. In addition, the number of patients requiring psychological care and the classification of depression as a disease of civilization have contributed to the search for new treatments.

Microdosing a form of medication for anxiety disorders? The Dark Ages were interrupted and research on psilocybin contained in “magic mushrooms” resumed. Several studies, such as those in 2023 , have confirmed that microdosing psilocybin can have promising effects in patients with anxiety disorders. Participants confirmed improved quality of life, reduced anxiety attacks, increased self-confidence and improved well-being.

So, can microdosing be a form of treatment for anxiety disorders?

Unfortunately, there are still too few such experiments to say with certainty that psilocybin is completely safe. However, interest in this substance is so high that more research centers around the world are increasingly willing to test psychedelics (including psilocybin and LSD). However, conducting such research is not easy due to the law, which still classifies psilocybin as a drug on par with heroin, where physical dependence on psilocybin is not practically possible.

Noteworthy, healing through psilocybin mushrooms has been known for thousands of years and has been an element of soul soothing in many religious rites from the dawn of time to the present day in modern Indians. Fortunately, the social movement and people’s desire to treat themselves with natural methods is beginning to force institutions to change, so that some countries are opening up to these alternative treatments, which are the hope for many patients.

The content on psychodelicroom.co.uk is educational, research, and is an expression of many opinions, to which one should reserve. We do not encourage or even discourage the use of any means of influencing consciousness, all of which can both cure and do great harm. In particular, we advise against growing mushrooms from growkits in countries where it is illegal – min. in Poland – because it involves criminal liability. We recommend that growkits purchased from us be disposed of 72 hours after receipt.








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