Ritual incense


Ritual incense is a blend designed for unique cleansing ceremonies and protection from unclean forces.

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Ritual incense:

This unique incense, has a strong cleansing and protective effect. Ritual incense effectively protects against negative energy, drives away demons and witchcraft forces.

Smudge stick, herbal wand-natural incense.

Frankincense was traditionally used by quacks and witches. They are used for purification, both of the spirit and the household, and to attract positive energy. The ancestors used knowledge of herbs and smudging to achieve these goals. It is worth noting that smoking herbs also has antiseptic properties and helps clean the air of microorganisms. To learn more about the plants used for incense, go to the post about other incense.

Length approximately 18 cm (+/- 2 cm)

Review photo. The incense sticks have visual differences (the composition of the herbs is preserved), and are similar in form, but not identical.

How to burn ritual incense?

It is necessary to light its tip. When the flame engulfs the herbs, blow it out gently. Then you can make a few downward, upward or circular motions (to supply air and keep the embers), and then place the incense on a non-flammable stand. You can move around with burning incense to fume your body or room, but it is advisable to have the base with you to avoid spilling the ashes. Frankincense is worth burning with intention, especially with such a highly energetic effect and use. A blend designed for purification and protection ceremonies.


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