What are the strongest species of magic mushrooms

Probably different types of magic mushrooms are not alien to you, maybe you know Cubensis but what about Psilocybe azurescens or cambodginiensis? Did you realize that there are more than 250 species of magic mushrooms containing psilocybin in the world? So I have for you some of the most powerful magic mushrooms that exist on Earth.

odmiany magicznych grzybów

source freepik

Warning on magic mushrooms

The information contained regarding magic mushrooms is for informational and educational purposes only. We do not encourage or recommend the consumption of any psychoactive substances, including psilocybin mushrooms, without first consulting a physician or qualified mental health professional. The use of psychoactive substances can involve serious risks to physical and mental health.

Any decision to consume magic mushrooms should be made with a full understanding of the risks and health consequences, and in accordance with applicable laws. If you have any doubts or questions about your mental health, please consult your doctor or appropriate professional before taking any action.

This article does not constitute or replace medical advice or professional counseling on the use of psychoactive substances. The author is not responsible for any damages or consequences resulting from the interpretation or application of the information contained in this text.

What’s That – “Magic Mushroom?”

Most people are familiar with the term “magic mushrooms,” but how many people really understand them? The magic mushroom is the one that causes psychedelic experiences. But how does it happen?

Which mushrooms have this power?

There are many species of mushrooms that can produce certain effects, but not all of them are what we are talking about, calling them magical. For example, the famous toadstool, which has a Mayan or sleep-inducing effect, is a psychotropic, but it is not one of the magic mushrooms. When we talk about magic mushrooms, we mean those that contain active substances such as psilocybin and, to a lesser extent, baeocyctin.

Active Ingredients in Magic Mushrooms

The ratio of these three substances is not the same in different species, subspecies or even among a single species of fungus. How they are balanced affects the effects caused by mushroom travel. Some can usher in an intense visual experience, while others induce meditation.

Psylocybin – Key Substance

Psylocybin is a precursor to psilocin. It is this substance that is found in the highest concentration in dried mushrooms. Although it is ultimately responsible for causing the experience of a high, it must be converted in the body to psilocin to produce hallucinogenic effects. This process can also be carried out artificially before consumption.

Baeocyctin – A Less Investigated Ingredient

Baeocyctin, a less studied cousin of psilocin and psilocybin, is a derivative of the latter. The exact role of this ingredient and its effect on the body is not known. Studies have shown that beacetin, when administered alone, produces effects comparable to the same amount of psilocybin. However, a recent study in 2019 showed no significant changes in the behavior of mice after administration of beaucetin compared to saline.

Psilocin – Direct Contact with the Organism

Psilocin is most often found in fresh mushrooms or in lemon tex, the process by which psilocybin is converted to psilocin using lemon juice. It is psilocin that is the substance in mushrooms that directly affects the body and causes a psychedelic “trip.”

Number of Magic Mushroom Species

It has been estimated that there are about 200 species of psilocybin-containing fungi in the Basidiomycota family. Most of them belong to the genus Psilocybe. It is important to emphasize that these are the only known species. In fact, there are suspected to be many species of magic mushrooms that we are not yet aware of, as they have been very poorly studied until recently.

Top 6 Most Powerful Species of Magic Mushrooms.

So here are the 6 most potent species of magic mushrooms. As mentioned earlier, the potential of these mushrooms can vary greatly from species to species and group to group, so always use caution when consuming mushrooms, especially if you are a beginner. The values given here are only an approximation of the indicators that can be expected. Nevertheless, they should provide some understanding of these magnificent, mystical organisms.

Information on magic mushrooms

Available information on magic mushroom species is limited. Where possible, concentrations of psilocin, psilocybin and beaocystin will be given as a percentage of the dried mushroom. However, these numbers are not available for all species of magic mushrooms, which means that statistics may vary depending on the species.

Important Warning Before Choosing Mushrooms

It’s worth noting: if you plan to pick any of these mushroom varieties in the wild, make sure you know exactly what to look for. Many varieties have similar characteristics to other mushrooms, which are extremely poisonous and can even be fatal.


First on the list is Psilocybe azurescens. As far as we know, it is the most powerful magic mushroom in the world. If you manage to get one, be prepared for an extraordinary experience. In the wild, it is found only on the west coast of the United States, especially in deciduous forests along the Columbia River in the Pacific Northwest. It is also possible to grow Psilocybe azurescens indoors, but this requires specialized knowledge of mushroom breeding. Outdoors, however, you can successfully grow Psilocybe azurescens in your garden.

In its dry state, Psilocybe azurescens contains up to 1.8% psilocybin, 0.5% psilocin and 0.4% baeocystin. While that may not sound impressive, it’s enough to transport you to a completely different dimension.


Psilocybe Cubensis is one of the most widely cultivated varieties of magic mushrooms, due to its ease of cultivation. Most of the culture kits available online contain mycelium of P. Cubensis. Familiarity with varieties such as Golden Teacher and Mazatapec is not insignificant here. The considerable amount of research conducted on Cubensis has resulted in many different subspecies, making it a versatile species. Psilocybe Cubensis is found worldwide in tropical climates. In the dried product, psilocin and psilocybin concentrations are 0.14-0.42% and 0.37-1.30%, respectively. If you buy grow kits, it will be easier to determine power, making Psilocybe Cubensis a great choice for beginners.


Cononocybe cyanopus is a lesser-known species of magic mushroom. It is very similar to several deadly species growing in the same environment, so it is usually not recommended for consumption. Given the availability of other lower-risk species, it’s better to stay away from this one unless you have advanced experience. Nevertheless, Conocybe cyanopus is still present on the list due to its strength. In its dry state, it contains 0.5% to 1% psilocybin.


Another tropical species of magic mushroom, found in Thailand. Originally found only on the island of Koh Samui, it is now also appearing in other places. The ratios of psilocybin, psilocin and baeocystin in dried specimens are: 0,023-0,90%, 0,05-0,81% i 0,01-0,05%.


This is the species from which magical truffles often come. Truffles are the underground part of mushrooms, but they are one organism. They are rare in the wild because they grow sclerotia as a defensive reaction to fires or other traumatic events. However, due to the legal status of sclerotia in some parts of Europe, they have become a popular choice for those wishing to travel legally. Dried mushrooms can contain up to 1% psilocybin and psilocybin, while sclerotia can contain up to 0.68% psilocybin.


Panaeolus cambodginiensis, found in Asia and Hawaii, was first described in Cambodia, where it often grows in buffalo feces. Its white-brown color and long stems make it attractive. The indole content is about 0.55% psilocybin and 0.6% psilocin.

Differences in the Power of Magic Mushrooms.

Magic mushrooms vary considerably, both within and across species. Both cultivated and wild magic mushrooms vary in power, which depends on the substrate and growing conditions. Concentrations of indoles can vary widely, making it difficult to accurately determine their potency. Hence, the assumption that cultured mushrooms will be more predictable than wild ones is not always true. Also within the same species, differences in strength can be significant. For example, some strains of Cubensis species can be up to four times stronger than others. Hence the recommendation to start with lower doses and gradually increase, especially for those with limited experience with the species.




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